Buying Stores

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A Buying Store (also known as a Purchase Shop) is a player-generated "store" where players can input items they would like to buy, with a specific amount of Zeny willing to be paid. A maximum of 5 items at a time can be advertised in a shop (2 items for non-merchants). Players must have one of item they are seeking to purchase already in their inventory. Only certain items can be purchased through a Buying Store:

  • Etc. Items
  • Non-Brewed Consumable Items

Buying Stores are created via different means based on what class the player is. Non-Merchant type characters must purchase consumable items while Merchant-types open stores via the skill Open Buying Store much like a normal shop is opened via using the Vending skill.


Shops are created by using a Black Market Buyer Shop License. These are usable items which disappear after use.

In Morroc, enter the pub

(morocc 45, 106)

and talk to the Black Marketeer. He will sell you one time use licenses to create Purchase Shops. Each license costs 500 Zeny and can be bought in bulk up to 10 at a time.

Merchant Classes

In Alberta, go to the Merchant Guild  and talk to the Purchasing Team. He offers to sell you a license (to buy licenses) for 10,000 Zeny.

  1. After paying him, he will teach you Open Buying Store and give you 5 Bulk Buyer Shop Licenses. You can purchase more licenses from him for 200 Zeny each, up to 50 at a time.

Offiline Vending

After you open a shop, you can leave just that merchant online and continue playing normally with your account. To do this, you will need a special item in your character's inventory.

Check out the Offline Vending guide for more information: CLICK HERE