Costume Rarity Colors

Here at Ethernal we have a very different 'rarity' system for items, this system has different influences on equipment and visuals.
When related to visuals, colors indicate how rare your visual may be. This makes it much easier when negotiating items, you may be in possession of a unique or very rare item that has enormous value.
On the other hand, some raids may contain items/equipment that come with rarity, which defines how many enchantments it receives or even the amount of status released on the item, but check the guide for each individual raid to find out about this.
Colors and their meanings

- Common: | Drop, Quest, Stores and the like.
- Uncommon: Achievements, seasonal events.
- Rare: Visual Ticket | Staff Team Events, seasonal events.
- Epic: Visual Rotation, 'Costume Rotation' tab in the cash shop | Raids, seasonal events.
- Legendary: Temporary Sale, cash shop 'Temporary Sale' tab | Raids, seasonal events.
- Unique: One-time Event or Very Rare, Seasonal Events, Battle Pass
In-game View
Also in the inventory and in several other interfaces where the name and image of the item are shown.
From now on, whenever you obtain an item with a colorful name, you will know how valuable it is.