Rates System

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Imagine being able to play your way with each character, imagine being able to level up very quickly, slower, very slowly but with benefits for the latter. Here on the server this is possible, we present to you our Rates system.

What is it and how does it work

The system allows you to choose which experience rate you want for your character, this choice will directly reflect on the way you play with this character, we currently have 5 different rates, each with a special benefit, check it out:

  • RATE 1x: This is the game's official rate, with only 1x experience, when choosing it you will receive a +50% chance of item drops, as well as some discounts on official NPCs.
  • RATE 25x: This rate features a 25x multiplier to experience gained from monsters and a +25% drop bonus.
  • RATE 50x: This rate features a 50x multiplier to experience gained from monsters and a +10% drop bonus.
  • RATE 100x: This rate features a 100x multiplier to experience gained from monsters and a +5% drop bonus.
  • RATE 200x: This rate presents a multiplier of 200x to the experience obtained from monsters.

You can see which rate you chose with your character through an icon that appears in the right corner of the screen:

The increase in item drops will be calculated automatically when you use commands like '@mi', as in the example:

Which rate should i'm choose

RATE 1x - Same official rate as the game, so if a monster has a base experience value of 150 when defeated, the character will only receive 150.

  • Receives a 50% item drop bonus.

NOTE: recommended for those who already have characters uploaded to their account and now want to farm.

RATE 25x - Adds a 25x multiplier to the experience value.

  • Receives a 25% item drop bonus.

NOTE: recommended for players who have just started, have one or more characters upgraded but still need basic items.

RATE 50x - Adds a 50x multiplier to the experience value.

  • Receives a 10% item drop bonus.

NOTE: recommended for players who haven't started yet, but have little playing time.

RATE 100x - Adds a 100x multiplier to the experience value.

  • Receives a 5% item drop bonus.

NOTE: suitable for those who want to level faster and have some small benefit during.

RATE 200x - Adds a 200x multiplier to the experience value.

  • No bonus drop.

NOTE: suitable for those who play solo and want to level up super quickly.

Hardcore Mode

This is an additional config, enabling this option can you play has an old player, if enabled you will not have acess to some custom npc's, like warper, renting, commands like @go and others.

You will be asked about enable or not this feature after select an rate for your character:

Be very careful as it is not possible to change the chosen rate or the Hardcore Mode option after it has been selected.

If enabled, Hardcore Mode you will not acess to.


  • Warper.
  • Mounts Renters.
  • Job Master.


  • @go.
  • @gobg.
  • @goeden.
  • @gomarket.
  • @gomainoffice.
  • @storage | storage2 | storage3.