Ultimate Pet System

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A great way to get additional bonuses is through your faithful adventure companion, pets can provide you with great bonuses.

In addition to giving bonuses and being companions, you can trade them, evolve them and play with them.

To tame a monster you will need the correct item for each one of them, use the item to tame a monster and a slot machine will appear on the screen, if you are successful, you will win an egg that when hatched, your pet will come out, another way to tame monsters is using the 'Abracadabra' skill, but be careful: it only works with monsters that can be pets, for example: it works with poring, but it does not work with ferus or acidus.

The loyalty level of pets can be checked using the "@petstats" command. You can also check it by looking at the description of the Pet's Egg in question. Its Loyalty level will appear there, being::

  • Very Low (1 - 99)
  • Low (100 - 249)
  • Neutral (250 - 749)
  • Normal (750 - 909)
  • Loyal (910 - 1000)

You can increase your pet's loyalty level by feeding it when its loyalty is Neutral or lower. If you die on any map with a penalty, your pet's loyalty will decrease. Once it reaches 0, your pet will be gone FOREVER. Remember to put it back in its egg if it is at risk of dying. Also, if you don't feed it, its loyalty will automatically decrease.

You can give your pet a name, but this can only be done once. Some pets have equipment that changes their appearance, making them cuter.


  • All pets lose loyalty when they are hungry or their master dies.
  • Pets that are not evolved lose more loyalty than evolved ones.
  • Many pets have automatic feeding.
  • Several pets can only be obtained in special events.

Additional Grade Bonus

All grades in pets have an additional grade Bonus and an specific bonus per grade, here que global grade Bonus:

Grade Additional Grade Bonus
GRADE D 1% Increase in ATK & MATK
GRADE C 3% Increase in ATK & MATK
GRADE B 5% Increase in ATK & MATK
GRADE A 10% Increase in ATK & MATK

Pet List

Baby Poring
Little Unripe Apple Apple Juice Cordial: Increases HP recovery by 50%.

Loyal: Increases HP recovery by 75%.

VIT +1, AGI +1 DEX +2

LUK +1

INT +1 STR +1
Unripe Apple Apple Juice Cordial: LUK +2, CRI +1

Loyal: LUK +3, CRI +1

AGI +1 VIT +2 DEX +1 LUK +1
Evolving: Poring

3x Unripe Apple

10x Yggdrasil Leaf

Pet Food Awkward: LUK +2, Critical +1

Neutral: LUK +3, Critical +1

Cordial: LUK +3, Critical +2

Loyal: LUK +3, Critical +3

ATK +5 ATK +2 ATK +2 ATK +1
Evolving: Mastering

1x Halo

50x White Herb

20x Yellow Potion

200x Jellopy

Pet Food Awkward: MaxHP +1%, Healing received +2%.

Neutral: MaxHP +1%, Healing received +4%.

Cordial: MaxHP +2%, Healing received +6%.

Loyal: MaxHP +3%, Healing received +8%.

Holy magic damage +20%, DEFM +10, Magic damage against Dark and Cursed +15%, Healing received +10%. Holy Magic Damage +5%, Max HP +8%. DEX +5 INT +5
Orange Juice Yellow Herb Awkward:


Cordial: ATK +3, HIT +3

Loyal: ATK +5, HIT +5

Critical Ranged Damage +20% DEX +2 DEX +1 DEX +1
Evolving: Drops

20x Piece of Egg Shell

10x Old Frying Pan

3x Apple Juice

1x Eggring Card

Pet Food Awkward: HIT +3, ATK +3

Neutral: HIT +5, ATK +5

Cordial: HIT +7, ATK +7

Loyal: HIT +9, ATK +9

ASPD +1, FLEE +5 ASPD +1 ATK + 10 ATK + 10
Sweet Drops
Evolving: Drops

50x Candy

50x Candy Cane

500x Sweets Festival Coin

1x Drops Card

Candy Awkward:



Loyal: Increases experience gained from defeating monsters by 1%

AGI +5 AGI +3 AGI +1 AGI +1
Bitter Herb Green Herb Awkward:


Cordial: LUK +2, resistance against Poison status +10%

Loyal: LUK +3, resistance against Poison status +15%

LUK +2 LUK +1 LUK +1 LUK +1
Rainbow Carrot Carrot Juice Awkward:


Cordial: ATK +2, Critical +2

Loyal: ATK +3, Critical +3

Critical Damage +4%, INT +1 Critical Damage +2%, VIT +2 Critical Damage +2%, STR +1 Critical Damage +2%, AGI +1
Leaf Lunatic
Evolving: Lunatic


Four Leaf Clover

Huge Leaf

Leaf Lunatic Card

Pet Food Awkward: ATK +2, Critical +2

Neutral: ATK +3, Critical +3

Cordial: ATK +4, Critical +4, Damage against monsters of Formless race +3%

Loyal: ATK +5, Critical +5, Damage against monsters of Formless race +6%

Critical Damage +5% Critical Chance +5% Damage in Demon Race +10% Damage in Dragon Race +10%

9006.pngChon Chon

624.png Rotten Fish Pet Food Awkward:


Cordial: AGI +1, FLEE +2

Loyal: AGI +2, FLEE +3

Flee +3 AGI +3 Flee +2 AGI +2

9006.png Chon Chon

625.png Rusty Iron 1002.png Iron Ore Awkward:


Cordial: Flee +6

Loyal: Flee +9

Flee +3 Flee +3 Flee +3 Esquiva +2

9006.png Hunter Fly

626.png Monster Juice 716.png Red Gemstone Awkward:


Cordial: Perfect Dodge +2

Loyal: Perfect Dodge +2, HIT +1

Perfect Dodge +3, AGI +5, SP +50 Perfect Dodge +3 AGI +2 SP +25

9005.png Picky

623.png Earthworm the Dude 507.png Red Herb Awkward:


Cordial: STR +1, ATK +5

Loyal: STR +2, ATK +8

ATK +15, STR +1, AGI +1 STR +2 ATK +10 STR +2

9005.png Peco Peco

632.png Fatty Chubby Earthworm Pet Food Awkward:


Cordial: MaxHP +150

Loyal: MaxHP +200

MaxHP +1000 MaxHP +550 MaxHP +150 MaxHP +150

9005.png Grand Peco

Evolving: Peco Peco

537.png 10x Pet Food

632.png 3x Fatty Chubby Earthworm

7101.png 300x Peco Peco Feather

522.png 10x Mastela Fruit

4031.png 1x Peco Peco Card

Pet Food Awkward: MaxHP +150, MaxSP -10

Neutral: MaxHP +200

Cordial: MaxHP +300

Loyal: MaxHP +400

MaxHP +2%, MaxHP +1000, MaxSP -2% MaxHP +1% MaxHP +1% MaxHP +1%

9009.png Savage Babe

627.png Sweet Milk Pet Food Awkward:


Cordial: VIT +1, MaxHP +50

Loyal: VIT +2, MaxHP +75

- - MDEF +2 DEF +2

9009.png Savage Babe

Evolving: Savage Babe

537.png 10x Pet Food

627.png 3x Sweet Milk

517.png 100x Meat

949.png 50x Feather

Pet Food Awkward: VIT +1, MaxHP +50

Neutral: VIT +2, MaxHP +50

Cordial: VIT +2, MaxHP +100

Loyal: VIT +2, MaxHP +200

MaxHP +100 MaxHP +100 MaxHP +100 MaxHP +100

9009.png Babe Desert Wolf

628.png Well-Dried Bone Pet Food Awkward:


Cordial: INT +1, MaxSP +50

Loyal: INT +1, MaxSP +75

INT +1, SP +30 INT +2 INT +1 INT +1

9005.png Desert Wolf

Evolving: Baby Desert Wolf

628.png 3x Well-Dried Bone

919.png 20x Animal's Skin

7030.png 300x Claw of Desert Wolf

4082.png 1x Desert Wolf Card

Pet Food Awkward: null

Neutral: null

Cordial: null

Loyal: null

null null null null

9103.png Willow

23257.png Old Tree's Dew 1066.png Fine-grained Trunk Awkward: null

Neutral: null

Cordial: null

Loyal: null

null null null null

9005.png Rocket

629.png Singing Flower Pet Food Awkward:


Cordial: MaxHP +25, Increases HP Recovery Rate by 5%

Loyal: MaxHP +38, Increases HP Recovery Rate by 6%

Increases HP Recovery Rate by +3%, MaxHP +75 Increases HP Recovery Rate by +1% Increases HP Recovery Rate by +1% Increases HP Recovery Rate by +1%

9005.png Metaller

Evolving: Rocker

940.png 777x Grasshopper's Leg

508.png 200x Yellow Herb

707.png 3x Singing Plant

4057.png 1x Metaller Card

Pet Food Awkward: MaxHP +25, HP Recovery Rate +5%

Neutral: MaxHP +25, HP Recovery Rate +5%

Cordial: MaxHP +55, HP Recovery Rate +15%, Damage against Plant race +3%

Loyal: MaxHP +70, HP Recovery Rate +20%, Damage against Plant race +3%

- - Increase HP Recovery Rate +10% DEX +3

9012.png Spore

630.png Dew Laden Moss Pet Food Awkward: null

Neutral: null

Cordial: HIT +5

Loyal: HIT +10

- - Hit +10 Hit +10

9013.png Poison Spore

631.png Deadly Noxious Herb Pet Food Awkward: null

Neutral: null

Cordial: STR +1, INT +1

Loyal: STR +2, INT +2

- - STR +2, INT +1 STR +1, INT +2

9015.png Smokie

633.png Sweet Potato Pet Food Awkward: null

Neutral: null

Cordial: AGI +1, Perfect Dodge +1

Loyal: AGI +2, Perfect Dodge +1

- AGI +1 AGI +2, DEX +2 AGI +2

9016.png Yoyo

634.png Tropical Banana 532.png Banana Juice Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: Critical +3

Loyal: Critical +5

Critical +1, LUK +15 Critical +2, LUK -2 Critical +2, LUK -2 Critical +1, LUK -1

9091.png Choco

Evolving: Yoyo

634.png3x Tropical Banana

753.png 2x Yoyo Doll

7182.png 300x Cacau

4051.png 1x Yoyo Card

Pet Food Awkward: Critical +3

Neutral: Critical +5, Ranged Physical Damage +1%

Cordial: Critical +7, Ranged Physical Damage +2%

Loyal: Critical +9, Ranged Physical Damage +3%

Ranged Physical Damage +6% Ranged Physical Damage +3% Ranged Physical Damage +3% Ranged Physical Damage +3%

9017.png Orc Warrior

635.png Orc Trophy Pet Food Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: ATK +10

Loyal: ATK +15

DEF +8, ATK +10 ATK +5 ATK +5 ATK +5

9017.png High Orc

Evolving: Orc Warrior

635.png 3x Orc Trophy

1124.png 1x Orcish Sword [0]

931.png 500x Orcish Voucher

2267.png 1x Cigarette [0]

4066.png 1x Orc Warrior Card

Pet Food Awkward: ATK +10, DEF -3

Neutral: ATK +15

Cordial: ATK +20

Loyal: ATK +25

ASPD +1, DEF +5, ATK +20 DEF +1, ATK +15 DEF +1, ATK +10 ATK +5

9121.png Orc Hero

Evolving: High Orc

968.png 10x Heroic Emblem

4066.png 10x Orc Warrior Card

4375.png 10x Baby Orc Card

25375.png 30x Powerful Soul Essence

25377.png Luxurious Pet Food Awkward: ATK +1%

Neutral: ATK +2%

Cordial: ATK +3%, Critical Damage +1%

Loyal: ATK +7%, Critical Damage +3%

ATK + 3%, Critical Damage +10%, DEF/MDEF +6 ATK + 3%, DEF/MDEF +2 ATK + 2%, MDEF +2 ATK + 2%, DEF +2

9032.png Knife Goblin

14569.png Knife Goblin Ring 619.png Unripe Apple Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: .

Loyal: .

Dagger Damage(Right hand) +15% - - -

9033.png Flail Goblin

14570.png Flail Goblin Ring 619.png Unripe Apple Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: .

Loyal: .

Mace Damage(Right hand) +10% - - -

9034.png Hammer Goblin

14571.png Hammer Goblin Ring 619.png Unripe Apple Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: .

Loyal: .

Axe Damage(Right hand) +15% - - -

9029.png Christmas Goblin

12225.png Sweet Candy Cane 911.png Scell Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: MaxHP +30, Water Property resitence +1%

Loyal: MaxHP +45, Water Property resitence +2%

Water Property resitence +5% Water Property resitence +2% Water Property resitence +2% Water Property resitence +1%

9046.png Goblin Leader

12364.png Staff Of Leader 6104.png Big Cell Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: Demi-Human Physical Damage +3%

Loyal: Demi-Human Physical Damage +5%

MATK +25 MATK +15 MATK +5 MATK +5

9018.png Munak

636.png No Recipient Pet Food Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: Demi-Human Physical Damage +3%

Loyal: Demi-Human Physical Damage +5%

MATK +2%, INT +5 MATK +1% MATK +1% MATK +1%

9025.png Bongun

659.png Her Heart Pet Food Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: VIT +1, Resistance against Stun +1%

Loyal: VIT +1, Resistance against Stun +1%

MaxHPRate +4% MaxHPRate +2% MaxHPRate +2% MaxHPRate +2%

9025.png Yao Jun

Evolving: Bongun

7277.png 100x Munak Doll

7014.png 50x Old Portrait

5367.png 1x Hyegun Hat

4328.png 1x Yao Jun Card

Pet Food Awkward: VIT +1, Resistance against Stun +1%

Neutral: VIT +2, Resistance against Stun +2%

Cordial: VIT +3, Resistance against Stun +3%, chance to absorb 1% damage against target into SP

Loyal: VIT +4, Resistance against Stun +4%, chance to absorb 1% damage against target into SP

Stun Immunity, 2% chance to convert 2% of damage taken into SP VIT +5, 1% chance to convert 1% of damage taken into SP 1% chance to convert 1% of damage taken into SP 1% chance to convert 1% of damage taken into SP

9052.png Incubus

12370.png Girl's Naivety 6110.png Vital Flower Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: MaxSP +3%, low chance of gaining 1% of the damage inflicted to an enemy as SP

Loyal: MaxSP +3%, low chance of gaining 1% of the damage inflicted to an enemy as SP

SP Recovery Rate +5%, MaxSPRate +5% SP Recovery Rate +5% SP Recovery Rate +5% SP Recovery Rate +5%

9055.png Succubus

12373.png Boy's Pure Heart 6113.png Vital Flower Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: low chance of gaining 5% of the damage inflicted to an enemy as HP.

Loyal: low chance of gaining 5% of the damage inflicted to an enemy as HP., MaxHPRate +1%

Chance to absorb 4% of HP damage dealt, MaxHPRate +5% Chance to absorb 2% of HP damage dealt Chance to absorb 2% of HP damage dealt Chance to absorb 2% of HP damage dealt

9128.png Dark Priest

100796.png Darkness Bible 1000552.png Evil Water Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: INT +1, Damage against Holy +3%

Loyal: INT +2, Damage against Holy +5%

INT +10, Damage against Holy +10%, Dark Damage +10% Damage against Holy +5% Damage against Holy +5% Damage against Holy +5%

9019.png Dokebi

637.png Old Broom Pet Food Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: MATK +1%

Loyal: MATK +2%

ATK +1% ATK +1% ATK +1% ATK +1%

9089.png Am Mut

Evolving: Dokebi

637.png 3x Old Broom

981.png 3x Violet Dyestuffs

1021.png 300x Dokebi Horn

969.png 3x Gold

Pet Food Awkward: MATK +1%

Neutral: MATK +2%

Cordial: MATK +3%

Loyal: MATK +4%

INT +4, MATK +5% INT +2 INT +2 INT +2

9020.png Sohee

638.png Silver Knife of Chastity Pet Food Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: STR +1, DEX +1

Loyal: STR +2, DEX +2

ATK +4%, STR +10 ATK +2% ATK +2% ATK +2%

9047.png Evil Nymph

25273.png Mysterious Medal 6105.png Morning Dew Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: MaxSP +30, SP Recovery Rate + 5%

Loyal: MaxSP +45, SP Recovery Rate + 8%

SP Recovery Rate + 6%, MaxSP +200 SP Recovery Rate + 3% SP Recovery Rate + 3% SP Recovery Rate + 3%

9115.png White Lady

Evolving: Evil Nymph

4202.png 1x Civil Servant Card

4265.png 1x Jing Guai Card

4272.png 1x Zhu Po Long Card

25375.png 30x Powerful Soul Essence

25377.png Luxurious Pet Food Awkward: MaxSP +2%

Neutral: MaxSP +3%, Decreases After Skill Delay by 1%

Cordial: MaxSP +4%, Decreases After Skill Delay by 2%

Loyal: MaxSP +5%, Decreases After Skill Delay by 3%

DEX +5, INT +5, MaxSP Rate +5% Reduces the chance of taking critical damage by 10% Decrease SP conumition in -5% Decreases After Skill Delay by 1%

9095.png Nine Tail

23187.png Sap Liquid 25231.png Suspicious Bottle Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: HIT +2, Critical +2

Loyal: HIT +2, Critical +3

Critical Rate +5% Critical Damage +3% Critical Damage +1% Critical Damage +1%

9096.png Cat o' Nine Tails

Evolving: Nine Tail

1022.png 999x Nine Tails

23187.png 3x Sap Liquid

10008.png 1x Punisher

4159.png 1x Nine Tail Card

Pet Food Awkward: Critical +2, HIT +2

Neutral: Critical +3, HIT +3

Cordial: Critical +4, HIT +4, performing physical attacks, 10% chance to activate [Recover 300 HP per second] for 5 seconds

Loyal: Critical +5, HIT +5, performing physical attacks, 10% chance to activate [Recover 400 HP per second] for 5 seconds

Hit +10, Critical Damage +10%, ASPD +2 Hit +5 Hit +5 Hit +5

9112.png Moonlight Flower

Cash Shop Pack


Evolving: Cat O Nine Tail

4159.png 10x Nine Tail Card

4090.png 10x Munak Card

4100.png 10x Sohee Card

25375.png 30x Powerful Soul Essence

25377.png Luxurious Pet Food Awkward: Critical +3, HIT +3

Neutral: Critical +4, HIT +4, chance to restore HP by 300 per second for 5 sec by when dealing physical damage

Cordial: Critical +5, HIT +5, chance to restore HP by 400 and SP by 10 per second for 5 sec by when dealing physical damage

Loyal: Critical +6, HIT +6, chance to restore HP by 500 and SP by 20 per second for 5 sec by when dealing physical damage

Bypass MDEF of all enemies by 3%, disable SP natural recovery Moovespeed +10%, Critical Damage +10% Reduces a chance to receive critical damage by 5% Decrease magic damage taken -5%

9045.png Whisper

12363.png Ghost Coffin 6100.png Damp Darkness Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: FLEE +7, Enables the use of Level 1 Hiding

Loyal: FLEE +10, Enables the use of Level 1 Hiding

Decrease Ghost property damage by -4%, DEF +20, MDEF +10 Decrease Ghost property damage by -2% Decrease Ghost property damage by -2% Decrease Ghost property damage by -2%

9104.png Roween

23258.png Stinky Rotten Meat 7564.png Rotten Meat Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: MATK +2%

Loyal: MATK +3%

Increase Wind Element Damage by +5% Increase Wind Element Damage by +2% Increase Wind Element Damage by +2% Increase Wind Element Damage by +1%

9102.png Mummy

23256.png Spiritual Bandage 934.png Memento Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: HIT +4

Loyal: HIT +5

Critical Damage +5%, ASPD +1, AGI +5 Hit +2, Critical +2 Hit +2, Critical +2 Hit +1, Critical +1

9107.png Ancient Mummy

Evolving: Mummy

7511.png 200x Rune of Darkness

969.png 30x Gold

23256.png 3x Spirital Bandage

4248.png 1x Ancient Mummy Card

Pet Food Awkward: HIT +4

Neutral: HIT +5

Cordial: HIT +6, Damage against monsters of Dragon race +3%

Loyal: HIT +6, Damage against monsters of Dragon race +6%

Decrease Element Eath Damage Taken by -6%, Hit +25, Increase Element Eath Damage by +10% Decrease Element Eath Damage Taken by -3% Decrease Element Eath Damage Taken by -3% Decrease Element Eath Damage Taken by -3%

9021.png Isis

639.png Armlet of Obedience Pet Food Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: ATK +1%

Loyal: ATK +2%

Poison Element Resistence +6%, ATK +3%, DEF +5 Poison Element Resistence +3% Poison Element Resistence +3% Poison Element Resistence +3%

9021.png Isis

Evolving: Isis

639.png 3x Armlet of Obedience

10006.png 1x Queen's Hair Ornament

23256.png 3x Spirital Bandage

4248.png 1x Ancient Mummy Card

Pet Food Awkward: ATK +1%

Neutral: ATK +2%

Cordial: ATK +3%

Loyal: ATK +4%

Immunity to Poisoning, ATK +5% Critical damage on Angel, Demon and Amorphous races +25% ASPD +1, Perfect flee +3 Perfect flee +2, Drains 10 SP per second

9053.png Golem

12371.png Magical Lithography 6111.png Mystic Stone Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: MaxHP +100

Loyal: MaxHP +150

MaxHP +1000, DEF/MDEF +10 MaxHP +1000 MaxHP +1000 MaxHP +1000

9033.png Fire Golem

Evolving: Golem

953.png 500x Stone Heart

990.png 20x Red Blood

12371.png 3x Magical Lithography

27029.png 1x Fire Golem Card

Pet Food Awkward: MaxHP +200

Neutral: MaxHP +300

Cordial: MaxHP +400, Magical Damage with Fire element +3%

Loyal: MaxHP +500, Magical Damage with Fire element +5%

MaxHP. +1000, Fire Resistance +4% MaxHP. +1000, Fire Resistance +2% MaxHP. +1000, Fire Resistance +2% MaxHP. +1000, Fire Resistance +2%

9111.png Phreeoni

9111.png Cash Shop 25377.png Luxurious Pet Food Awkward: HIT +6

Neutral: HIT +10, Perfect HIT +5%

Cordial: HIT +14, Perfect HIT +10%

Loyal: HIT +18, Perfect HIT +15%

Critical Ranged Damage +25%, 2 Handed Axe Damage +20% DEX +5, Hit +10 DEX +5, Hit +10 DEX +5, Hit +10

9022.png Green Petite

640.png Shining Stone Pet Food Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 1%)

Loyal: AGI +1, Increases Attack Speed (Decreases After Attack Delay by 1%)

AGI +4, Chance to petrify when physically attacked AGI +2 AGI +2 AGI +2

9098.png Deleter

Evolving: Green Petite

6260.png 100x Petite Tail

606.png 150x Aloe Vera

640.png 3x Shining Stone

4279.png 1x Earth Deleter Card

Pet Food Awkward: Decreases After Attack Delay by 1%

Neutral: AGI +1, Decreases After Attack Delay by 1%

Cordial: AGI +2, Decreases After Attack Delay by 2%

Loyal: AGI +3, Decreases After Attack Delay by 3%

5% chance causes Burnin when attack Fire Element Damage +15% Decreases After Attack Delay by 2% AGI +5

9023.png Deviruchi

641.png Contract in Shadow 711.png Shoot Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: MATK +1%, ATK +1%

Loyal: MATK +1%, ATK +1%

MaxSP +2% MaxHP +3% MATK +1% ATK +1%

9097.png Diabolic

Evolving: Deviruchi

641.png 3x Contract in Shadow

1009.png 30x Hand of God

1039.png 250x Little Evil Wing

4122.png 1x Deviruchi Card

Pet Food Awkward: MATK +1%, ATK +1%

Neutral: MaxHP +1%, MaxSP +1%, MATK +1%, ATK +1%

Cordial: MaxHP +1%, MaxSP +1%, MATK +2%, ATK +2%, chance to auto-cast Level 3 Fire Bolt when dealing melee physical attacks

Loyal: MaxHP +2%, MaxSP +2%, MATK +2%, ATK +2%, chance to auto-cast Level 3 Fire Bolt when dealing melee physical attacks

MaxHP +5%, MaxHP +3% Fire Bolt Damage +50% Fire Element Damage +5% ATK/MATK +4%

9099.png Teddy Bear

23189.png Small Needle Kit 25233.png Cotton Tufts Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: MaxSP +50

Loyal: MaxSP +100

INT +3, DEX +5 Chance of saying 'Caring Friend' when physically attacking MaxSP +3% MaxSP +2%

9108.png Abandoned Teddy

Evolving: Teddy Bear

724.png 50x Cursed Ruby

7442.png 300x Cursed Seal

23189.png 3x Small Needle Kit

4340.png 1x Teddy Bear Card

Pet Food Awkward: MaxSP +50

Neutral: MaxSP +100

Cordial: MaxSP +150, chance to restore 30 SP per second for 5 sec by when dealing magical damage

Loyal: MaxSP +150, chance to restore 40 SP per second for 5 sec by when dealing magical damage

MaxSP +200, Magic Damage +3% When attacking 1% chance to transform you into a Teddy Bear When attacking 1% chance to transform you into a Teddy Bear When attacking 1% chance to transform you into a Teddy Bear

9118.png Aliot

Evolving: Teddy Bear

518.png 50x Honey

727.png 10x Opal

7317.png 500x Rusty Screw

4340.png 1x Teddy Bear Card

Pet Food Awkward: Decreases After Attack Delay by 2%

Neutral: Decreases After Attack Delay by 3%, HIT +6

Cordial: Decreases After Attack Delay by 4%, HIT +9

Loyal: Decreases After Attack Delay by 5%, HIT +12

Reduces damage from Wind property -4%, 2% chance to reflect magic damage taken Reduces damage from Wind property -2% Reduces damage from Wind property -2% Reduces damage from Wind property -2%

9119.png Alicel

Evolving: Teddy Bear

518.png 50x Honey

7449.png 50x Bloody Page

7317.png 500x Rusty Screw

4340.png 1x Teddy Bear Card

Pet Food Awkward: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 2%

Neutral: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%

Cordial: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 4%, Magical Damage with Neutral element +3%

Loyal: Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%, Magical Damage with Neutral element +3%

MATK +25, 2% chance to reflect magic damage taken INT +2, DEX +2 INT +2, DEX +2 INT +1, DEX +1

9126.png Kiel-D-01

9126.png Cash Shop Pack


Evolving: Aliot

4400.png 10x Aliza Card

4401.png 10x Alicel Card

4402.png 10x Aliot Card

25375.png 30x Powerful Soul Essence

 Ração Luxuosa Awkward: Decreases After Attack Delay by 4%, HIT +9

Neutral: .

Cordial: .

Loyal: .

Critical Damage +3%, Critical Chance +3% INT +5 Critical Damage +3%, Critical Chance +3% Critical Damage +3%

9027.png Alice

661.png Soft Apron 504.png White Potion Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: MDEF +1, damage taken from Demi-Human race -1%

Loyal: MDEF +2, damage taken from Demi-Human race -2%

Natural HP Recovery +25%, MaxHP +5% DEFM +5, Mastela Fruit Effect +100% DEF +10, Mastela Fruit Effect +100% Reduces damage taken from all races by 1%

9120.png Aliza

Evolving: Alice

511.png 200x Green Herb

985.png 50x Elunium

7047.png 500x Alice's Apron

4253.png 1x Alice Card

Pet Food Awkward: MDEF +4

Neutral: MDEF +5, Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 2%

Cordial: MDEF +6, Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 4%

Loyal: MDEF +7, Increases Healing skills effectiveness by 6%

DEF +10, MDEF +5, MaxHP +5% 5% chance to convert 10% of physical damage dealt into HP 2% chance to convert 5% of physical damage dealt into SP Disable Natural HP and SP Regeneration

9026.png Zealotus

660.png Forbidden Red Candle 929.png Immortal Heart Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: Damage against Demi-Human race +2%

Loyal: Damage against Demi-Human race +3%

Damage using Whip +10%, Bypass 10% DEF/MDEF from boss monster Damage against Demi-Human race +2% Damage against Demi-Human race +2% Damage against Demi-Human race +1%

9024.png Bapho Jr

642.png Book of the Devil 518.png Honey Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: DEF +1, MDEF +1, Stun Resistance +1%

Loyal: DEF +2, MDEF +2, Stun Resistance +2%

Stun Resistance +50% DEF +3, MDEF +3 When physically attacking 2% chance to cause Curse When physically attacking 3% chance to cause Bleeding

9130.png Chaotic Bapho Jr

Evolving: Bapho Jr

508.png 100x Yellow Herb

923.png 300x Evil Horn

7054.png 300x Brigan

27335.png 1x Chaotic Baphomet Junior Card

Pet Food Awkward: FLEE +6

Neutral: FLEE +9, MaxSP +1%

Cordial: FLEE +12, MaxSP +2%

Loyal: FLEE +15, MaxSP +3%

Recovers 2% SP every 3 seconds, Max SP +3% Magical Damage +5% Angel Race Damage +10% Angel Race Damage +10%

9137.png Baphomet(MVP)

9137.png Cash Shop Pack


Evolving: Chaotic Bapho Jr

4129.png 15x Baphomet Jr Card

27335.png 15x Chaotic Baphomet Junior Card

25375.png 30x Powerful Soul Essence

25377.png Luxurious Pet Food Awkward: FLEE +8, MaxSP +1%

Neutral: FLEE +12, MaxSP +3%, Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 1%

Cordial: FLEE +16, MaxSP +5%, Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 3%

Loyal: FLEE +20, MaxSP +7%, Increases Ranged Physical Damage by 5%

Ignores 3% of Humanoid race's physical DEF, 1% chance to destroy enemy's weapon. Each physical attack restores 1 SP Each physical attack restores 5 HP Each physical attack restores 5 HP

9056.png Imp

12374.png Ice Fireworks 6114.png Flame Gemstone Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: Damage taken from Fire elemental attacks -2%, Physical Damage against enemies of Fire elemental +1%

Loyal: Damage taken from Fire elemental attacks -3%, Physical Damage against enemies of Fire elemental +2%

Damage Using Fire Element +4%, Ranged physical damage +10% Damage Using Fire Element +2%, Fire property damage resistance +10% Damage Using Fire Element +2% Damage Using Fire Element +2%

9030.png Green Maiden

12395.png Tantan Noodle 6115.png Bun Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: DEF +1, damage taken from Demi-Human race -1%

Loyal: DEF +2 damage taken from Demi-Human race -2%

Received Healing from items +10%, Neutral Magic Damage +5% Received Healing from items +5% Received Healing from items +5% Received Healing from items +5%

9048.png Miyabi Ningyo

12366.png Girl's Doll 6106.png Well Ripened Berry Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: INT +1, Decreases Variable Casting Time by 3%

Loyal: INT +2, Decreases Variable Casting Time by 5%

Decreases Variable Casting Time -2%, Received healing from skill +25% Decreases Variable Casting Time -1% Decreases Variable Casting Time -1% Decreases Variable Casting Time -1%

9044.png Shinobi

12362.png Kuloren 6099.png Grilled Rice Cake Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: AGI +2

Loyal: AGI +3

Enable [Lv 1 Cloaking] DEX +7 INT +5 ASPD +1

9049.png Dullahan

12367.png Luxury Whisky Bottle 6107.png Sunset On The Rock Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: Critical +5

Loyal: Critical +8

Dark, Ghost and Undead element damage +10%, Critical damage +5% Resistance against attacks from the Demon race +10% Resistance against Dark attacks +5% Reduces movement speed -25%

9105.png Gremlin

23188.png Unprocessed Parts 25232.png Cheap Lubricant Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: .

Loyal: .

DEX +4, Hit +1, Damage using Bow Weapon +15% DEX +3, Hit +2 DEX +3, Hit +2 When attacking adds 5% chance to cause Chaos

9105.png Hodremlin

Evolving: Gremlin

6100.png 50x Damp Darkness

7340.png 200x Will of the Darkness

23188.png 3x Unprocessed Parts

4413.png 1x Hodremlin Card

Pet Food Awkward: DEX +1, HIT +1

Neutral: DEX +2, HIT +1

Cordial: DEX +2, HIT +2, Increases Critical Damage by 7%

Loyal: DEX +2, HIT +2, Increases Critical Damage by 9%

Bow Weapon Damage +10%, Ranged physical damage +5%, DEX +5 Recovers 10 SP when defeating monsters with ranged attacks Recovers 15 HP when defeating monsters with ranged attacks Recovers 10 HP when defeating monsters with ranged attacks

9122.png Gloom UnderNight

9122.png Cash Shop Pack


Evolving: Hodremlin

4413.png 10x Hodremlin Card

4409.png 10x Agav Card

4412.png 10x Isilla Card

25375.png 30x Powerful Soul Essence

25377.png Luxurious Pet Food Awkward: MATK +10

Neutral: MATK +20

Cordial: MATK +30, Magical Damage with Ghost and Fire element +5%

Loyal: MATK +40, Magical Damage with Ghost and Fire element +7%

Reduces the chance of your items being destroyed by 5%, 5% chance to cause double attack by physically attacking Reduces damage from the Neutral property -2% Reduces damage from the Neutral property -2% Reduces damage from the Neutral property -2%

9041.png Leaf Cat

12359.png Very Soft Plant 6096.png Fish With Blue Back Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: damage taken from Brute race -3%

Loyal: damage taken from Brute race -5%

Bypass +3% MDEF from Brute race, 5% chance to cause sleep when attacking, STR +7, AGI +5 Bypass +2% MDEF from Brute race Bypass +2% MDEF from Brute race Bypass +2% MDEF from Brute race

9040.png Mao Guai

12358.png Fan Of Wind 6095.png Flavored Alcohol Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: MaxSP +10

Loyal: MaxSP +15

Recovers 1 SP with each attack, MaxSP +20, INT +7, DEX +7 Natural recovery of SP +5%, MaxSP +15 Natural recovery of SP +5%, MaxSP +15 Natural recovery of SP +5%

9051.png Stone Shooter

12369.png Oilpalm Coconut 6109.png Plant Neutrient Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: Damage taken from Fire elemental attacks -3%

Loyal: Damage taken from Fire elemental attacks -5%

When attacking, chance to convert damage into Fire property for 30 seconds Resistance against Fire property attacks +7% When attacking 2% chance to cast Fireball When attacking 1% chance to cast Fireball

9050.png Medusa

12368.png Splendid Mirror 6108.png Apple Pudding Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: VIT +1, resistance against Curse status +5%

Loyal: VIT +2, resistance against Curse status +8%

Stone Curse Immunity, VIT +10 When physically attacking +5% chance to cause Stone Curse When physically attacking +5% chance to cause Stone Curse When physically attacking +5% chance to cause Stone Curse

9037.png Wanderer

14574.png Vagabond's Skull 7824.png Spirit Liquor Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: AGI +3

Loyal: AGI +4

AGI +4, ASPD +1, Adds 2% chance to cause Coma when physically attacking AGI +3 AGI +3 ASPD +1

9117.png Contaminated Wanderer

Evolving: Wanderer

7005.png 500x Skull

1059.png 100x Fabric

1009.png 50x Hand of God

4210.png 1x Wanderer Card

Pet Food Awkward: AGI +4

Neutral: AGI +4, Critical +1

Cordial: AGI +4, Critical +2, Increases Critical Damage by 5%

Loyal: AGI +4, Critical +3, Increases Critical Damage by 7%

Critical damage 10%, Critical rate +5%, physically attacking 3% chance to trigger splash damage for 30 seconds When physically attacking +9% chance to destroy enemy Armor When physically attacking +3% chance to destroy enemy Armor When physically attacking +3% chance to destroy enemy Armor

9043.png Marionette

12361.png Delicious Shaved Ice 6098.png Small Snow Flower Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: when wearer receive physical attacks, adds a chance for 3 second to increase neutral resistance by 20% and recover 100 HP

Loyal: when wearer receive physical attacks, adds a chance for 5 second to increase neutral resistance by 20% and recover 100 HP

When attacked, chance to activate Neutral Damage +50% for 5 seconds Damage with Neutral property +2% Damage with Neutral property +2% Damage with Neutral property +1%

9042.png Loli Ruri

12360.png Very Red Juice 6097.png Pumpkin Pie Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: MaxHP +3%, chance to auto-cast LV 1 Heal on master when receiving physical damage

Loyal: MaxHP +5%, chance to auto-cast LV 2 Heal on master when receiving physical damage

Healing effect of Pumpkin Pie +50%, 3% Chance to cast Curse when attacked MaxHP +2%, DEF +6, MDEF +3 MaxHP +2% MaxHP +1%

9054.png Nightmare Terror

12372.png Hell Contract 6112.png Fresh Plant Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: Prevents Sleep status

Loyal: Prevents Sleep status, INT +1

Movement Speed +5% Movement Speed +15% Movement Speed +5% Movement Speed +5%

9116.png Rigid Nightmare

Evolving: Nightmare Terror

510.png 100x Blue Herb

935.png 100x Shell

7120.png 500x Burning Horseshoe

4166.png 1x Nightmare Terror Card

Pet Food Awkward: INT +1

Neutral: INT +2

Cordial: INT +3, MaxSP +1%, Prevents Sleep status

Loyal: INT +4, MaxSP +3%, Prevents Sleep status

Attacking adds 5% chance to cause Fire, Chaos and Curse on the target, Makes the Weapon Indestructible MaxSP +1%, INT +5, Curse resistance +50% MaxSP +2% MaxSP +2%

9059.png Tikbalang

12699.png Tikbalang Harness 528.png Monster's Feed Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of Bakonawa, Bangungot and Buwaya by 10%, MDEF +3

Loyal: Increases Physical Damage against enemies of Bakonawa, Bangungot and Buwaya by 10%, MDEF +5

Protects the Helmet from Removal by Skills - - -

9123.png Child Admin B

Pending 1000227.png Cloud Cotton Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: .

Loyal: .

Pending Pending Pending Pending

9124.png Child Admin A

Evolving: Child Admin B

7094.png 10x Fragment

7095.png 50x Metal Fragment

25273.png 500x Mysterious Medal

1000227.png Cloud Cotton Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: .

Loyal: .

Pending Pending Pending Pending

9058.png Snow Rabbit

Xmas Event 529.png Candy Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: During Christmas, increases EXP by 2%, MATK +2%

Loyal: During Christmas, increases EXP by 2%, MATK +2%

Pending Pending Pending Pending

9068.png Blue Unicorn

Attendance ??/??/??? until ??/??/???? Pet Food Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: .

Loyal: .

When defeating Angel monsters, 1% chance to drop Yellow Herb When defeating Angel monsters, 1% chance to drop Yellow Herb When defeating Angel monsters, 1% chance to drop Red Herb When defeating Angel monsters, 1% chance to drop Blue Herb

9028.png Hard Rice

12340.png Chewy Rice Powder 511.png Green Herb Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: .

Loyal: .

Pending Pending Pending Pending

9101.png Scatleton

Halloween Season 2025 579.png Fresh Fish Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: .

Loyal: .

Pending Pending Pending Pending

9113.png Skelion

Evolving: Scattleton


11616.png Delicious Meat Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: .

Loyal: .

Pending Pending Pending Pending

9125.png Duckye

Pending Pending Awkward: .

Neutral: .

Cordial: .

Loyal: .

Pending Pending Pending Pending

NOTE 1: Bacsogin only has bonuses/attributes if obtained through evolution.

NOTE 2: Many pets have special items to be tamed, you can get the 'Domestication Kit' item in the Poring Race, opening it you will randomly receive an item to tame the pets.

Seasons and Cash Shop


14753.png Betelgeuse

RAID: Constellation Tower 25377.png Luxurious Pet Food When physically attacking, 5% chance to autocast 'Lv 1 Comet', dealing a flat 25k damage and Magic Poison.

Awkward: .

Shy: .

Neutral: Increase Meteor Storm damage +10%

Cordial: Increase Meteor Storm damage +10%

Loyal: Reduces the cooldown of Comet 1 by seconds

Increase Comet damage +15%

Demi-human MDEF bypass +25%

Increase Comet damage +5% Increase Comet damage +5% Increase Meteor Storm damage +10%

14741.png Napeo

Mutant Core

Capture Rate: 15%

25377.png Luxurious Pet Food Awkward: DEX +2, STR +2

Shy: DEX +2, AGI +3

Neutral: DEX +2, VIT +2

Cordial: DEX +2, LUK

Loyal: DEX +2, INT +2

Increases Picky Peck and Lunatic Carrot Beat damage by 5%

When accompanied by an Archbishop:

Reduces variable casting time by 5%

Healing Power +10%

Reduces the SP cost of skills by 5%.

Reduces the cooldown of Epiclesis by 1 seconds.

Increases Lunatic Carrot Beat damage by 5%

When accompanied by an Archbishop:

Reduces variable casting time by 5%

Healing Power +5%

Reduces the SP cost of skills by 5%.

Reduces the cooldown of Epiclesis by 2 seconds.

Increases Picky Peck damage by 5%

When accompanied by an Archbishop:

Reduces variable casting time by 5%

Healing Power +5%

Reduces the SP cost of skills by 5%.

Reduces the cooldown of Epiclesis by 2 seconds.

When accompanied by an Archbishop or Summoner:

Reduces variable casting time by 5%

Healing Power +5%


9125.png Undine

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17490.png Basilisc

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17326.png Blaze

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22845.png Mundus

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17307.png Flora

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13567.png Fire Claw

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14805.png Burning Fang

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17552.png Beserker Sakray

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17532.png Ghost Tiara

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17204.png Guide of Dead

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17255.png Violen

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17584.png Piamette

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17584.png Liamette

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17572.png Queen of Piamette

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9102.png Mutant Dragon

6346.pngFree Battle Pass Season 1
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12785.png General Daehyun

6346.pngPremium Battle Pass Season 1
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NOTE 1: Whenever a season comes with new pets this guide will be updated.

Raids and Others


9029.png Abyss Queen

RAID: Surroundings of the Abyss
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12685.png King Schmitz

RAID: Legacy of Glast Heim
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12654.png Reginleif

RAID: The Honor of Heroes
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12654.png Ingrid

RAID: The Honor of Heroes
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17494.png King Faceworm

RAID: King Faceworm Lair
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17494.png King Faceworm

RAID: King Faceworm Lair
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17494.png King Faceworm

RAID: King Faceworm Lair
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17494.png King Faceworm

RAID: King Faceworm Lair
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